
The Renaissance Dance Database

This site provides a listing of hundreds of dances with links to all the available online resources for them, including many of the other pages listed here.

A Collection of Dances Suitable For The Beginning Dancer

This is a set of dances that are a good place to start for beginners. It includes some basic information about each style of dance and dancing in general, as well as where to find recorded music.

SCA Renaissance Dance Homepage

This is a great place to start looking for information on Renaissance dance. The list of links there is far longer than what will be found on this page.

Eric Praetzel’s Dance and Music Page

Music for many dances is available here, including both sheet music and recorded music.

Del’s Dance Book

This is a great collection of articles and reconstructions from all the major dance styles, most of which is linked to from the database.

Another good Renaissance dance resource.

Letter of Dance

A newsletter containing many useful articles on Renaissance and SCA dance topics.

Renaissance Dance Cheat Sheets

This is a set of instructions for many common SCA dances, written by Master Gregory Blount of Isenfir (Greg Lindahl). Most are linked to from the database.